The features of the structure and technology ofNatural CirculationIndustrial Fuel and Gas Boilers :
1. Various well-equipped protection devices,which have multiple layers of security interlock protection device,made the boiler is always under control and in safe state.
2. Low position arrangement of the combustion chamber makes the water safe range bigger, and enlarges the space of steam phase. A unique steam-water separator enables supper steam quality.
3. Matching high-quality burner, pumps, instrumentations, valves, water level control system, to ensure that every aspect of the boiler is reliable.
4.Natural CirculationIndustrial Fuel and Gas Boilersare saled in integrated form from factory that makes the installation period short.
5. Compact structure, beautiful appearance, bright color and luster.
6. This series ofNatural CirculationIndustrial Fuel and Gas Boilers are widely used in petrochemical, rubber, plastics, food, paper, textile, printing and dyeing, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industrial products processing required for steam, and also can be used in enterprise, hotels, guesthouses and other service industries for heating water and civilian using for steam and hot water.
Natural CirculationIndustrial Fuel and Gas Boilers are composed of an upper and a lower boiler barrel,membrane type water cooling wall,convection tube bundle
Natural CirculationIndustrial Fuel and Gas Boilers can meet customer's demand.