four roller plate rolling machine
rolling machine of wind tower
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Detailed Product Descriptions for four roller plate rolling machine:
The four-roller rolling machine adopts the four roller structure with the upper and lower roller as the drive, and provides the plate materials with torque through the engagement of the planetary reducer with the upper and lower roller, the lower roller can make vertical movement so as to clamp the plate materials tight. On both side of the lower roll with the side-roller can be driven by hydraulic cylinders to make arc-down. Four rollers all used the spherical roller bearings.
1. Pre-bending and rolling-up can all finished by this machine;
2. Digital displays(3 pieces) are provided by locating setting of roll positions;
3. Hydraulic drop and for ease of finished cylinder removal;
4. No slide of plate during rolling process;
5. Conical bending device;
6. Emergency system: safety string barrier around the machine and emergency push button;
7. Machine is equipped with two speed working system which is controlled from mobile control panel.